Wondering what you should read next?

Hello, hi, and by all means, I have some suggestions!

But first, you should know that I live by the motto of: read whatever you want. Life is too short to use your precious time reading something that bores you, or feeling guilty about the books that bring you joy.

So if you need permission to read something, or to stop reading something everyone else loves, permission is hereby granted. Tell ‘em I said so.

But if you’re like me, sometimes you might be looking for a certain style of book, or a certain mood, but you can’t quite describe what you’re looking for. A book that’s somewhere between the Amazon best seller page and the shelves and shelves of years-old library books that might be great but where to start?

That’s what you’ll find in this newsletter - new and old book suggestions, author spotlights, and recommended reading lists grouped by arbitrary themes that make sense to me. (What, you expected Dewey Decimal?) Plus, it’s a way for me to reflect on what I’m reading, what I’ve read, what I stopped reading, and what I re-read over and over. Books are my first and most enduring love - I hope you find a new book to love here.

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When you don't know what to read next ...


Books, my first and endless love