I visited the Anne sights in my early 20s (this would be circa 1993) on a family vacation. My mom and I wanted to go. Somewhere in the world there is a VCR tape with a recording my dad took, zooming in on the introductory plaque outside the home, and you can hear my dad say “What?! This chick never even really existed?!” Yeah, we didn’t explain that she was a fictional character. Lovely sights and island nonetheless.

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SUCH a beautiful island, but what a bait and switch for your poor father! You kind of have to be a fan under the best of circumstances and then to find out it’s all a fictional ruse … I hope he at least got some oysters out of it.

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He enjoyed a large bucket of mussels 😁

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Ok fine, I'll read a Secret History. Why am I SO resistant to this and yet I loved The Goldfinch???

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Jun 26Liked by Kerry Bennett

Oh dear. I hated the Goldfinch. Should I skip Secret History???

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I also hated The Goldfinch partially bc I hated it and partially bc it was such a disappointment for her long-awaited follow up to The Secret History.

The problem both of you face is the burden of expectations, bc everyone has an Opinion About The Secret History. So - live your best life. It’s a weirdo book. All choices are valid.

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